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Cuidados propuestos :
Cuidado de niños, Cuidados a tiempo parcial / después del colegio, Niñera a domicilio, Madre de día (info)

Izabella, madre de día certificada en Valencia

Los plus de Izabella


Hello! My name is Izabella I am an international relations student from New York City currently studying in Spain. I have over 6 years of experience with kids having started babysitting at 14 years old for one family, I have stayed with them through the years. The little girl I started babysitting is not 9 and her baby brother is 3. In the mean time I have babysat for 6 other families for kids ranging from 2 years old to 14 years old. Between 2018-2019 I was a full time nanny to an 8 year old girl, responsible for taking her to gymnastics, dance, modeling sessions as well as organizing her meals and free time. Before international realations I studied psychology and it is a big interest area of mine, I believe that influences my style of babysitting, I have helped my kids through difficult issues related to bullying or difficult family matters. I am very hands on and spend all the time I can with the kids, limiting TV and electronics time to a minimum. I always allow the kids to come up with games of make believe or arts and crafts and I follow their lead (within grounds of reason). Overall I am very caring, open and fun!

Mini Curriculum Vitae

Servicios propuestos Cuidado de niños
Cuidados a tiempo parcial / después del colegio
Niñera a domicilio
Madre de día
Experiencia Experiencia profesional, más de 5 años.
Ya he cuidado niños de 6 meses a 1 año
1 a 3 años
3 a 6 años
más de 6 años
Idiomas hablados Inglés (idioma materno)
Servicios adicionales Ayuda con los deberes : Sí, a nivel de primaria
Cocinar para los niños : Con mucho gusto, ¡conozco platos deliciosos!
Ayuda con las tareas domésticas / planchado : Sí, puedo


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26 años
Izabella, madre día certificada en Valencia


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7,50 €
a la hora
Servicio de canguro puntual
Niñera a domicilio
5,00 €
a la hora
Cuidado a tiempo parcial/después del colegio
3,20 €
a la hora
Madre de día