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We are looking for a big sister for our children!

We are a family of five that has had aupairs for the last two years. We really love the experience! It's fruitful and rewarding for both parts!

We love travelling around Spain and abroad because we love meeting new people and knowing other countries. So having you at home will be a perfect opportunity for the children to learn from a different culture.
Somehow we are looking for a big sister for the children, so the first thing we need from you is that you feel as any other member of the family. For us the most important thing is that you are sweet and close to the children. Playing with them is the way to become part of their lives.

On the other hand, our specific needs consist in helping with their clothes, bedroom, toys, perhaps sometimes help to prepare their meal…
On a school day, we will need you to walk them to the school in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon (free in the mean time)

And just to finish the day we would like you to cooperate during dinner and bath time.

Weekends will be always free. Of course, you would be welcome to join us on our family activities or anything special we do!

As you can see, helping in the day by day life and becoming part of our familiy!

We hope this matches your interests. I will be more than happy to answer any question.



Tipo de atención infantil : cuidado de niños a tiempo parcial

3 niños a cuidar (3 a 6 años / más de 6 años)

Tipo de atención infantil : 'Chica/o joven para au pair'

oferta publicada hace más de 7 años (23 Enero 2017)
Imprescindible tener disponibilidad durante las vacaciones escolares
Imprescindible disponer de vehículo
Imprescindible carnet de conducir
antes colegio
por la mañana
Después de mediodía
después colegio
la noche