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Cuidados propuestos :
Cuidados a tiempo parcial / después del colegio, Niñera a domicilio (info)

Carra, niñera - 28087 Madrid

Los plus de Carra


My name is Carra and I'm a 24 year old student from Michigan, USA. I am here to learn German and Spanish and hope to find joyful work while I study here.

I am looking for a nanny/babysitter job. I come from a large family, and from this I have 14 nieces and nephews I have taken care of since I was 12 years old. I have experience in taking care of family members who are all now between 2-12 years old.

As I nanny I can practice English with the children, feed the children, help with their English homework and other chores during the care time. I have lots of energy and can play games, draw and read to the children. I hope to gain experience and to enjoy the time spent taking care of the kids.

I hope this explains a bit about myself. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Thank you.

Mini Curriculum Vitae

Servicios propuestos Cuidados a tiempo parcial / después del colegio
Niñera a domicilio
Formación Primeros auxilios (RCP o socorrista)
Experiencia Experiencia familiar: cuidado de hermanos, primos...
Ya he cuidado niños de 1 a 3 años
3 a 6 años
más de 6 años
Servicios adicionales Ayuda con los deberes : Sí, a nivel de primaria y secundaria
Cocinar para los niños : Sí, puedo
Ayuda con las tareas domésticas / planchado : Sí, puedo


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32 años


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Para acceder a la disponibilidad de Carra, debes ser usuario, es gratuito

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10,50 €
a la hora
Cuidado a tiempo parcial/después del colegio
12,00 €
a la hora
Niñera a domicilio

Hola, my rates are based on location and transportation costs per child. For each additional child the cost is negotiable based on age. Overall the rates can be negotiated based on location.

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