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Seeking someone fun and with love for children- estepona area, for my 5 years old son

I am looking for someone qualified in Early Years Education to look after my 5 years old son in August, starting with the 21st of August until the 31st of August. Starting 8.30 am until 6PM (Monday to Thursday) and 8.30 am to 14:30pm Fridays. We are looking for someone that loves children, is fun and engaging in nice activities, is willing to spend outdoors time with him (take him to the zoo, to a park, to the beach, to the pool) and focus 100% on the child's needs. Preferably someone bilingual (English and Spanish). Besides playing with him, some light cooking is required (only for the child). No house chores implied, no other tasks except for being 100% there for the boy. ¡ Thanks


Tipo de atención infantil : cuidado de niños puntual

1 niños a cuidar (3 a 6 años)

Tipo de niñera buscada : madre de día, niñera a domicilio, canguro

Imprescindible disponer de vehículo
Imprescindible carnet de conducir
Inicio: el Lunes 21/08/2017 a 08h00
Fin: el Viernes 01/09/2017 a 15h00