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Cuidados propuestos :
Cuidado de niños, Cuidados a tiempo parcial / después del colegio (info)

Stephen, cuida de niños en Valencia

Los plus de Stephen


My name is Stephen, i am 19 years old and i am from Nigeria, i speak english fluently and i am still learning spanish, i live in valencia (legally) with my father, i am searching for job of a baby sitter or anything remotely good for a 19 year old teenager, honestly i have really never done job of a baby sitter before, but i am very familiar with kids, as i was the one who took care of my kid sister when ever my mother traveled or went to work, and i have stayed around other kids, so i know all the troubles they usually bring and how to calm them down and make them happy, i adapt easily, i am a very playful type, also i love music and sports, i play drums very well, then i know few things about the piano and guitar... P.S: if you were having a bad day while reading this, just smile, everything will be fine ??

Mini Curriculum Vitae

Servicios propuestos Cuidado de niños
Cuidados a tiempo parcial / después del colegio
Experiencia Experiencia familiar: cuidado de hermanos, primos...
Ya he cuidado niños de 1 a 3 años
3 a 6 años
más de 6 años
Idiomas hablados Inglés (idioma materno)
Español (leído, escrito, hablado)
Servicios adicionales Ayuda con los deberes : Sí, a nivel de primaria y secundaria
Cocinar para los niños : No, prefiero que no
Ayuda con las tareas domésticas / planchado : Sí, puedo


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26 años


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Para acceder a la disponibilidad de Stephen, debes ser usuario, es gratuito

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7,00 €
a la hora
Servicio de canguro puntual
5,00 €
a la hora
Cuidado a tiempo parcial/después del colegio

Well, i charge €7 per hour for baby sitting, i am flexible with time, and also can help with some house light house work, also help with assignments!