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Cuidados propuestos :
Cuidado de niños, Cuidados a tiempo parcial / después del colegio, Niñera a domicilio, Au pair (info)

Carlos, chico au pair en Terrassa

Los plus de Carlos


“Hello, Im Carlos
Im from Guatemala and I’m living in Spain since 2012. I am in creativity’s world. I was born to create
new things, destroy what is done and innovate with something different. I’m always in the fight to get my
objetives and my goals.
I like fashion. Actuallly, I was studying fashion design, so it’s a world where I wanna be part of. I like
sports, like running, swim, slackline, etc. I love to be positive and appreciate little things to get biggest
Im available to work, to learn, to have fun with different things, different places and different people. I
know how to obey orders but I can be a lider too.
I like people, work with them, work in groups and know what they thing about something in particular.
Meet a lot of opinions about work or something, learn and get a different conclussion about it. I like to
help too, meet what they need and try to get it, so that is why I’d like to work with people, client assistance
and helping them.
I like to work in different places, learn what they do and how they do it. Is never too late to stop learning.
Is not only about fashion, I want to get experience in different type of jobs because you never
know what life is going to give you around the corner.

Mini Curriculum Vitae

Servicios propuestos Cuidado de niños
Cuidados a tiempo parcial / después del colegio
Niñera a domicilio
Au pair
Experiencia Experiencia familiar: cuidado de hermanos, primos...
Ya he cuidado niños de menos de 6 meses
6 meses a 1 año
1 a 3 años
3 a 6 años
más de 6 años
Idiomas hablados Español (idioma materno)
Inglés (fluido)
Servicios adicionales Ayuda con los deberes : Sí, a nivel de primaria y secundaria
Cocinar para los niños : Con mucho gusto, ¡conozco platos deliciosos!
Ayuda con las tareas domésticas / planchado : Sí, puedo


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33 años
Carlos, chico au pair en Terrassa


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6,50 €
a la hora
Servicio de canguro puntual
6,00 €
a la hora
Cuidado a tiempo parcial/después del colegio
5,00 €
a la hora
Niñera a domicilio