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Cuidados propuestos :
Cuidados a tiempo parcial / después del colegio, Niñera a domicilio, Au pair (info)

Perry, chico au pair en Pontevedra

Los plus de Perry


My name is Perry and I currently reside in Valga, Pontevedra.

I have been living here in Valga since September 2016 and during my time I have been privileged to meet some amazing people and spend some precious time with my son. Enjoying the sights and sounds of this beautiful part of Spain and obviously trying to learn Spanish and Galician through my wife, family and friends.

In October 2016, I was able to privately teach 15 children at a local football club the wonderful world of the english language for 6 weeks leading to Christmas. The children’s ages ranged from 4-13 years and a mixture of abilities.

During the 6 weeks, its was complete change of career direction for me. My past has been heavily involved in logistics. Operating and controlling the deliveries in middle of central London.
This was an opportunity to remove me from my comfort zone and try a new and strange challenge.
The 6 weeks flew by and by the end of the sessions I realised that I may have a talent in teaching english to children and adults, as the feedback from the football club, children and parents was extremely positive.

I am currently teaching English at a local school with the age range from 3-8 years old for two hours a week which will end in may 2017.

In London i worked for Royal Mail as a manager and being the part ofUK’s largest delivery network, I am CRB(Criminal Records Bureau) checked and security vetted upto military standard. This is for the protection of our customers, myself and some of the high profile establishment premises we visit on a daily basis.

Thank you for your time and reading my introduction and i hope to speak to you soon.

Kindest regards


Mini Curriculum Vitae

Servicios propuestos Cuidados a tiempo parcial / después del colegio
Niñera a domicilio
Au pair
Formación Primeros auxilios (RCP o socorrista)
Título de Animador Sociocultural
Experiencia Experiencia como padres: cuidé de mis propios hijos.
Ya he cuidado niños de menos de 6 meses
6 meses a 1 año
1 a 3 años
3 a 6 años
más de 6 años
Idiomas hablados Inglés (idioma materno)
Servicios adicionales Ayuda con los deberes : Sí, a nivel de primaria y secundaria
Cocinar para los niños : Con mucho gusto, ¡conozco platos deliciosos!
Ayuda con las tareas domésticas / planchado : Con mucho gusto, ¡soy toda una ama de casa!


Perry puede proporcionales a petición los datos de contacto de antiguos empleadores que le recomiendan.

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38 años
Perry, chico au pair en Pontevedra


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7,50 €
a la hora
Cuidado a tiempo parcial/después del colegio
8,50 €
a la hora
Niñera a domicilio