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Looking for babysitter in sanchinarro

Hola! We are looking for a native English speaker babysitter to spend a couple hours with our two kids on Tuesdays after school (1.5 and 3.5 years old), and some occasional Saturday or Sunday too. She would spend most of time only with our elder daughter though. The job basically involves playing with her/them in English (at home, in the park... ) We are based in Sanchinarro.

Please feel free to contact us for more details.


Tipo de atención infantil : cuidado de niños puntual

2 niños a cuidar (1 a 3 años / 3 a 6 años)

Tipo de niñera buscada : niñera a domicilio, canguro

Imprescindible disponer de vehículo
Imprescindible carnet de conducir
Inicio: el Martes 15/10/2019 a 17h00
Fin: el Martes 17/12/2019 a 19h00